Integrating into your app

βœ… Requirements

  • PHP 7.1 or higher
  • Webpack

πŸ“¦ Installing

Follow these steps to integrate BigPipe into your application:

1. Install composer package

Open your terminal and run the following command to install the Composer package:

$ composer require richarddobron/bigpipe

2. Install npm package

In your terminal, install the npm package for BigPipe:

$ npm install bigpipe-util

3. Modify your entrypoint

In your entrypoint file (e.g., /path/to/resources/js/app.js), add the following code to set up BigPipe:

import Primer from 'bigpipe-util/src/Primer';
window.require = (modulePath) => {
return modulePath.startsWith('bigpipe-util/')
? require('bigpipe-util/' + modulePath.substring(13) + '.js').default
: require('./' + modulePath).default;

Create your first module in the same directory (e.g., /path/to/resources/js/MyModule.js):

export default class MyModule {
init(...args) {
console.log('Hello world!');

call it using:

$asyncResponse = new \dobron\BigPipe\AsyncResponse();
$asyncResponse->bigPipe()->require("require('MyModule').init()", [
'first argument',
'second argument',

4. Add this code to page footer

In your page footer, add the following code to set up BigPipe:

(new (require("bigpipe-util/src/ServerJS"))).handle(<?=json_encode(\dobron\BigPipe\BigPipe::jsmods())?>);

πŸŽ‰ Congratulations! You've successfully integrated BigPipe into your application. Enjoy improved web performance and user experiences.

Feel free to adjust the wording and formatting as needed to match your documentation's style.

Last updated on by Richard Dobroň