Runtime Utilities

Bundled with fbt come a few useful utilities for constructing strings.


intlList creates fbt instances with selectable conjunctions given an array.

As an example

$CONJUNCTIONS = \fbt\Runtime\Shared\intlList::CONJUNCTIONS;
$DELIMITER = \fbt\Runtime\Shared\intlList::DELIMITER;
$people = ['Adam', 'Becky', fbt('4 others', 'last item')];
intlList($people, $CONJUNCTIONS['AND'], $DELIMITER['COMMA']);

produces the fbt

desc="A list of items of various types. {previous items} and {following items} are themselves lists that contain one or more items.">
<fbt:param name="previous items">{$output}</fbt:param>,
<fbt:param name="following items">{$items[$i]}</fbt:param>

recursively combining fbts. Note that genders are not used in this fbt:param instances, so they default to UNKNOWN

intlNumUtils and intlSummarizeNumber

There are a few utilities in both intlNumUtils and intlSummarizeNumber that are documented in the source.

In fact fbt::param and fbt::plural default to displaying numbers using intlNumUtils::formatNumberWithThousandDelimiters. You can override this behavior in fbt:param by setting the number option and using your own string in the replacement.

You can override this in fbt::plural by providing the value option.


We use this function internally to generate HTML for FBT.

\fbt\createElement('div', 'content', ['id' => 'container']);
Last updated on by Richard Dobroň